The Top 9 Small Pond posts of 2018


I can’t say that 2018 has been a good year, but it has been a good one for Small Pond Science. Here’s a list of the most-viewed posts written in 2018:

9. When you are asked to review a paper that you’ve already reviewed for another journal

8. On the breadth of faculty job applications

7. Actions required of men to advance gender equity in academia

6. What if the PI recommendation letter is missing or is bad?

5. Really, faculty jobs in teaching-focused institutions are not inherently less stressful or easier or more balanced

4. Science has an atheism problem

3. Reimbursing students is not okay

2, Updating pedagogy for the mobile phone era

1. Let’s stop saying “native English speaker” in reviews

In a couple days, I’ll start winding down for the holidays. I hope you have a restful break.

Top 10 Small Pond Science posts of 2015


Small Pond Science had a good year. Most readers have joined within the last year, so let’s recap with the Top Ten Posts of 2015:

10. Educating the ignorant masses, Eli Broad style

9. Authorship when the first author is the senior author

8. Will work for food: How volunteer “opportunities” exploit early-career scientists Continue reading