Recommendations for making science inclusive, and how to talk about it with others


You’re reading Small Pond Science right now — but a lot of our colleagues don’t read anything resembling a blog. So, for them, I’ve just published a short peer-reviewed paper about how this site addresses a common theme: how to promote equity and inclusion, especially for students in minority-serving institutions.

Think of it as a blog post, but with a lot of useful references in peer-reviewed journals and with the bright and shiny veneer of legitimacy from journal that’s been in print for more than a century. And hopefully fewer typos.

This paper includes 12 recommendations for broadening participation and communicating about diversity. For those who want to help push for change, this is my list. (At least, it was my list six months ago. Because it’s not a blog.)

Here is the full text, and here’s the direct link to the pdf.

This paper appeared in a special issue about Science Communication, fresh in print this week in the Annals of The Entomological Society of America. Thanks to Maggie Hardy for organizing this! The other papers in the special issue are all worth your time, every single one of them. There are articles about using comics to share science, natural history museums and social media, doing science outreach with and for kids using social media, and creating and maintaining a diverse workforce in science, and more. I’m flattered to be included in this collection.

Stay tuned, by the way, we have another paper coming out quite soon about the impact of science community blogging!

3 thoughts on “Recommendations for making science inclusive, and how to talk about it with others

    • Thanks! I linked to the science piece – and quoted a key passage – in this morning’s recommended reads post :)

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